Jack Gray is an animation artist and filmmaker living in Philadelphia. His work fuses traditional and experimental animation techniques, often with playful characters and looping sequences. His films have screened in Ann Arbor Film Festival, Anim'est International Animation Festival, PÖFF Shorts, Palm Springs ShortFest, Oberhausen International Film Festival among others. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2017.
Jack works as a freelance animator, digital designer and adjunct instructor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia in the Animation Department. He has been a juror at Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival and has been a Key Note Speaker at CutoutFest. He has additionally given artist talks at several institutions including UArts, Towson University, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Fantoche International Animation Festival & Tongue River Artisit Residency.
-“Ten Unmissable Animated Shorts to Stream at
GLAS Animation, 2022”, Directors Notes - Maitre, James
-“Jack Gray Examines the Absurdity of Everyday Routines in His
Jam-Packed Looping Animation ‘Menagerie’”, Directors Notes - Maitre, James,
Jack Gray is an animation artist and filmmaker living in Philadelphia. His work fuses traditional and experimental animation techniques, often with playful characters and looping sequences. His films have screened in Ann Arbor Film Festival, Anim'est International Animation Festival, PÖFF Shorts, Palm Springs ShortFest, Oberhausen International Film Festival among others. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2017.Jack works as a freelance animator, digital designer and adjunct instructor at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia in the Animation Department. He has been a juror at Sweaty Eyeballs Animation Festival and has been a Key Note Speaker at CutoutFest. He has additionally given artist talks at several institutions including UArts, Towson University, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Fantoche International Animation Festival & Tongue River Artisit Residency.
-“Ten Unmissable Animated Shorts to Stream atGLAS Animation, 2022”, Directors Notes - Maitre, James
-“Jack Gray Examines the Absurdity of Everyday Routines in His Jam-Packed Looping Animation ‘Menagerie’”, Directors Notes - Maitre, James,